As it turned out, it was the sort of clever idea that companies hope too many people don't have. When Kevin called customer service, he said he was on hold for more than an hour. Rather than, say, a lack of customer service employees. It's currently true that many companies have long customer service wait times and often blame COVID-19 for this. The chatline, he said, went through sales and had only one recommendation - to call customer service. You'd think, though, offering a few personal details would have got the process rolling. He hadn't been aware enough to note the phone number attached to the Jetpack. To be clear, Kevin may have been at some fault here and knows it. "That's when I explained I didn't have them and repeated that I went to them trying to register my damn device." "They said I needed the account number and location number," he explained. "And I got through five people who didn't seem helpful." "I thought all I would need was my social security number, my credit card, address, and all that," he told me. It's likely that his Jetpack came with a phone number, but Kevin had been unaware. Let's have Kevin take up the story: "So I called Verizon customer service and I couldn't talk to anyone because I didn't have a Verizon phone account." But when he clicked on "Sign up now," nothing happened. "Registration is quick and easy," said the email. It said in order to enjoy paper-free billing he must be registered.

It told him to register for My Verizon in order to view his bills. On his return, he received an email from Verizon. Sadly, the jetpack failed to function just before his big meeting started. So he bought the most advanced Verizon jetpack and disappeared on his travels. He needed to ensure he had Wi-Fi, as he had an important meeting with extremely celebrated people. He was going on vacation and he'd heard that AT&T's signal was poor at his remote east coast destination. A highly intelligent, deeply nerdy and, once in a while, gregariously opinionated friend. I feel, however, that Kevin's solution to his customer service problem was markedly more ingenious than most could create. He's also not the first nor the last to have had a similar contretemps with any of the remaining phone carriers. No, he's surely not the first, nor the last. There are three major wireless carriers in the US, and each one has options to support your business needs. 41 impressive questions to ask in a job interview